Board Committees

board committees

The Board of Directors, supervise and monitor the implementation of the governance framework through the board committees. It also reviews the general framework of governance and all the relevant policies on an annual basis or as needed at the discretion of the board to assure the compatibility with the leading practices.

The Board committees include:

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

The committee is responsible for the nomination of potential Board Members, as well as to assess the remuneration of the Board of Directors and Executive Management in accordance with the company's long-term strategic objectives.


  • Abdulla Mohammad Abdulla Al-Saad
  • Abdul Mouhsen Jassem Mohammed Al-Kharafi
  • Emad Mohammed Abdul Rahman Al-Bahar
  • Abdulaziz Abdulrazaq Al Jassar
  • Adel Mohammed Ahmad Al-Ghanam

Risk Management Committee

The committee is responsible for monitoring all aspects of risks within the organisation including, market risks, strategic risks, and operational risks. The committee also assists in the overall Risk Management framework, and its policies and procedures.


  • Adel Mohammed Ahmad Al-Ghanam
  • Abdulaziz Abdulrazaq Al Jassar
  • Emad Jassem Hamad Al-Sager

Audit Committee

The committee is responsible to review its financial reporting framework, oversee the quality and integrity of its accounting practices, auditing, internal control, risk management and the company’s overall corporate governance framework. In addition to the company’s relationship with external auditors.


  • Abdulaziz Abdulrazaq Al Jassar
  • Emad Mohammed Abdul Rahman Al-Bahar
  • Emad Jassem Hamad Al-Sager.

Executive Committee

The Committee is responsible for guiding and monitoring the operational activities of the company and aims to improve the effective supervision of the Board on the company’s main operations.


  • Ayman Abdullatif Ali Al-Shayea
  • Emad Mohammed Abdul Rahman Al-Bahar
  • Yousef Saad AlSaad.